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Health Reports


Wellness programs are designed to reduce or control health care costs of the staff, meet the health related needs of the membership and create activities that leverage the amenities and facility. Likewise, a wellness strategy should be in alignment with the boards vision of what it means to be a “healthy club”.

The Health Report address five wellness categories

  1. Fitness
  2. Nutrition
  3. Staff
  4. Members
  5. Facilities

The results from each category follow the three drivers

  1. Vision
  2. Alignment
  3. Execution

Each category has a set of specific questions, each of which are assigned points and are weighted according to importance. Each category has a maximum of 200 points for a total maximum score of 1,000 points. The club score is compared to the averages of all clubs to establish benchmarking standards.  

Health Score© of 800 plus qualifies your club as one of America’s Healthiest Clubs, a distinguished third party validation and recognition for achieving a healthy environment. Members of this elite club are able to use the service marks and logos immediately upon receiving the Health Report© which will be posted on the Prevo Health website. The top clubs will receive an award at year-end with an award ceremony to be hosted February 2014 at the CMAA annual conference.

Last but not least, a listing of America’s Healthiest Clubs and the General Managers name will be published in the February 2014 issue of the BoardRoom Magazine accompanied by a feature story. Inscribed display case trophies and wall plaques are available for purchase.

For help with your order call 888-331-1804 or send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

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